Tuesday, September 06, 2005
eyes wide apart
I noticed this on my Dashboard in Blogger, some cool drawings, and useful blogger upgrade help.
Great artwork.
Our Little Three Year Old
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Sin, Chaos and Faith
From the news reports, parts of the City of New Orleans have decended into chaos, this is evidence (if I ever needed it) that human nature is wilfully sinful. Sure there are many stories of helping, community and compassion, but given the wrong mix of events, fear, needs, greed, opportunity, survival instinct, it comes back to dog eat dog.
Fortunately there are many people who have acted without regard for their continuing need or safety, to help others in the same or worse situations. Our society makes the mistake of saying that these attributes are Christian. They are acting out of compassion and concern for others, this is a Christian attribute, but it isn't what defines a Christian. A Christian is one who has put their faith and trust in Jesus, the Son of God who died for them on a cross for their sins, who asks Jesus to forgive them of the sins they have committed. Jesus has promised each who does this forgiveness fo sins, salvation and eternal life in heaven with God.
What would/will you do in the (seemingly likely) event that you will be running from a disaster or trapped in a location that is dangerous? We in the Western World are so removed from the daily realities of death, pain and fear that many in the rest of the world face. It pays to consider our standing with God, and once we've considered this, shouldn't we help others consider their eternal future?
Do you have faith? Do you believe in God? Will you go to heaven when you die?
We don't know the day of our departure from this earth, but I'd say it's worth being ready for that day, everyday.
The New Orleans Superdome
Hearing the stories on the news and seeing the photos from the area, one has to wonder what state the government is in? This has to be the most massive rescue and restoration operation that has been seen on the North American continent.... Yet much of the rescue contingent is still days away. There is nowhere to put people, the water must be pumped out, which by some accounts could take up to six months, this is a serious challenge... I hope the American people are questioning whether their government would look after them better, if in a similar situation.
How did so many people get left in New Orleans, particularly when the weather report stated that most houses would be damaged, all power poles would be downed, many high rise buildings would be damaged, anyone or any animals exposed to the storm would die. As a result of an incomplete evacuation, the National Guard troops brought in (fresh from Iraq) have a shoot-to-kill mandate for threatening criminal actions. To end up in that situation.... that is poor governance.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Satellite Image of New Orleans August 31 2005, Following Hurricane


So many scary stories, about people battling for their lives, gunfire at evacuation teams, the stench of human waste, hunger, loss.
How does a modern city recover from this?